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Alumni Link

The Alumni Link is a monthly e-publication provided to the alumni of 海角社区

Asbury Seminary Hosts Ceremony to Welcome Interim President

The community of 海角社区 gathered for a ceremony in McKenna Chapel welcoming interim president Dr. David Gyertson and honoring the transition of leadership from Dr. Timothy Tennent.

PSA: Asbury’s Recent Technical Issues

Have you been perplexed by broken links and such recently? Here’s why.

Graduation 2024: Golden Graduate Testimonial

Has it been nearly 50 years since graduation? Check out this couple’s reflections after experiencing our Golden Graduate Weekend!

What’s New at Asbury Church Planting?

Check out the latest updates from CCM!

Reflections on God’s Call

If you have ever felt called by God, by Jesus, by the voice of the Holy Spirit in your inner being, that call will never go away.

Editorial: The Strange Nature of Dual Citizenship

It鈥檚 a strange thing to belong to two places. Your loyalties shift. You notice ugly realities you never would have seen otherwise.聽

Updates, Events, and Publications

Click here to learn about recent updates, events, and all kinds of publications from faculty and alumni around the world!

Job and Ministry Opportunities: July 2024

Looking for a job or ministry opportunity? Check out what’s new this month!


We pause to honor our brothers and sisters who have gone home to glory.